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improve it! Podcast – Professional Development Through Play, Improv & Experiential Learning

Oct 28, 2020

“Any time something really great happens in my career, it's usually because something failed and went off the rails first.” - Nicole Emerick

In this episode, Erin brings on Nicole Emerick, a social savvy, blog-friendly entrepreneur who is the queen at finding creative side hustles while working her corporate jobs....

Oct 21, 2020

“If it looks like it might fail, I'm probably clinging to it because I know that that's usually the area I find my success.” - DJ Pryor

Failed it! Fam, get ready to go to church! DJ’s inspirational story will bring you to tears, make you laugh, and will motivate you to look at things in a different perspective....

Oct 14, 2020

“We are in this new normal for awhile, so it is up to us to stay motivated, so that we can motivate our teams. We are really in this together.” - Erin Diehl

Are you ready for a motivational challenge to help you get through this pandemic? If so, then this episode is for you! Apply this episode’s tips for 30 days,...

Oct 7, 2020

“Never stop learning. When you join corporate America, learning never stops especially when you're in your early career.” - Asfa Malik

Who do you turn to when you need to learn how to excel at your role? Who do you contact when you need to exceed your leadership and followership objectives? Who is going to help your...